About Me

I am an individual stuck in a rut who loves to re-name her 21 cats in the cabin she lives in at the edge of that god-awful forest on the other side of China that no one can reach.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Love love love...

These boots!

I see so much potential in these beauties. They could go great with a blank skinny pant and a navy blazer.

My birthday is on the 20th (sweet sixteen). If only I had known sooner...

Jeffrey Campbell Black Acme Boot, $198


lydia said...

oohhh my god those are amazing. i am dragging this picture into my iphoto right now...

i just noticed adam and the ants. YAY.

happy almost birthday!

Anonymous said...

sigh don't we all wish we could afford it.

i've been seeing these shoes everywhere!