I am a HUGE fan of Jarvis Cocker. When I say I've been pining his solo album for ages, I mean it. "Fat Children" has been a favorite of mine for over a year, and "Common People" (by Pulp...which he was lead singer of) ranks in my personal top 10 favorite songs. He is, personally, quite witty, and he's such a great character off of the performing stage.

And plus, he and Camille Bidault-Waddington are just so awesome together. They're even on my English binder.

Discotheque Confusion did a post on them and their opinions on fashion just recently. I thought it was very interesting, if you want to read it here.
(I thank you all for your advice on the shoes. It's much appreciated!)
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(Hey, does the comment box work? Or is it schitzo?)
jarvis is pretty cool guy, and i don't even know much of his music! i think i should listen to him more..
haha i see that you have an unhealthy obsession with deer, seeing as your aim sn is even "deerdeerdeerr" hahaha.
that quote is amazing! though i think i would've like the chocolate just as much hah.
Yeah they are def a very good looking couple together!
He is pretty damn awesome, and I am so jealous of his glasses lol.
jarvis is hardcore
oh i love belle and sebastian. i haven't listened to them in a while but they're really good. you've probably heard this but have you heard of ready for the dancefloor by hot chip it's really good!
aww thank you! that is so sweet! by the way i love this post!
I love Jarvis Cocker! He is one of my heros. Ah. xx
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