I had no school today. Yeah, the -3 temperatures might have had something to do with it.
But, that means all my finals are pushed back a day. Now, I have to think about all 5 of my subjects, not 3! I'm upset, but I needed an extra day to study.
Anyways, I was tagged by the lovely
Nat to do some surveys. She had a ton, so I might as well procrastinate and do them all.
5 things about myself:1. I am not just a fashion freak. I love art too! I'm not really talented at art, but I can shade with pencil better than most, so I guess that's alright. But, I hope to major in art history (and journalism/liberal arts) someday because of this interest.
2. I participate in a lot of school stuff. I'm in nearly every theater-related club, I'm features editor on the school newspaper, I'm possible student director/asst. director of all school productions, and I help out a ton with my school's exchange program with Thailand. Yes, I have a LOT on my shoulders.
3. I read a ton of books about 60s era things and people. I recently requested
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test from the library, and my friend, who works at my local lib., called me while shelving books to ask me if I checked out 20+ books on hippies. The funny part was that I didn't.
4. My favorite pair of shoes are my boots. They're gorgeous, but I hate to wear them through the snow because ironically, I'm afraid they'll be ruined.
5. My favorite perfume is Coco Mademoiselle.
4th Picture in my File FolderIt's actually I screenshot I took from Facebook (I don't have Facebook anymore), and to protect my friends' identity, I won't post it. But, the next one's of Alexa Chung. (I realize that none are of me, but I have quite the mix of photos.)
Six Things That Make Me Happy1. My mum, my sister, my baba (essentially my grandma, but I'm Russian) and my friends. It's pretty much self-explanatory that I love them dearly.
2. My music. To name off the top five: Arctic Monkeys, Last Shadow Puppets, Strokes, Beatles, Velvet Underground. But lately, I've gotten into a lot of Lissy Trullie and Late of the Pier.
3. Jim Sturgess. He's too gorgeous. I go on fan sites to see if they're any new photos of him. He's actually quite fashionable too, so I love to see what he's wearing.
4. CHOCOLATE. You can say I'm a chocoholic.
5. The History Boys. It's easily my favorite movie of all time, and I love to watch it. And plus, Sam Barnett is adorable.
6. And obviously, fashion. Or style. Street style. I guess that's 3 items within one; whoops!
Ten Honest Things About Myself
1. I think about college/the future way too much. I am hoping either NYU or some art school with art history. Considering the way I hate school now, I literally want to skip a year and graduate next year.
2. I hate Miu Miu. DESPISE! I cannot stand Prada either. Something about Miuccia Prada makes me cringe.
3. One of my pet peeves about bloggers is that their fashion is not really them. It's just a rebellion against the world around them. Every post is along the lines of, "Oh, I just dress like this because I hate the kids at school, and they make fun of what I wear. I just smile whenever they do and keep wearing it." It just makes me think, why do you have a fashion blog if all you care about is being different? And if you haven't noticed this, it's probably because you're one of them.
4. My favorite accessory is my class ring. It doesn't look similar to a class ring at all (we had several choices of what we wanted), and I wear it every time I go out. It's really pretty, and I love it.
5. I have a huge fear of nails, especially when you rip up carpet and the nails are standing straight up. Weird, but I cringe whenever I think about it.
6. I have a guilty pleasure of Queer Eye. I watch it whenever it's on.
7. I am such a picky eater. It's rediculous. I remember at the beginning of the year when my friend asked what food I liked, I could listed them all, and it was a very short list.
8. I drink way too much water and orange juice.
9. I used to be a severe tomboy who never cared about fashion. That was a while ago.
10. My skin is my baby. I would never do anything to hurt it at all. I wear SPF all the time and have vowed not to smoke in order to retain my skin's healthiness.

Now, I tag
Malena, and anyone who feels like doing this. Please tell me if you did though! I would love to hear your responses!
photo credit (and if you need help translating the captions, my Spanish isn't half bad haha)
PS: 1/20/09- I won't be able to comment back until maybe Thursday. So, don't feel like you've been neglected. And wow, the Inauguration was amazing. GO OBAMA!